Monday, 16 July 2012

Yamakasa Festival! (Mass Buttcheeks!)

So in Kyuushuu, there is this festival that takes place this time of the month called the Yamakasa.
The Yamakasa are these Big float like things which probably weigh a lot. Basically a bunch of men wearing their Fundoshi (Loin cloth) pushing this massive heavy float while the people of the public throw buckets of water onto them :S.

Heres some videos to make it a little easier to picture.

So that's basically what The Yamakasa is I think. Im not sure if they race or not but they might be timed and see who was fastest. I don't know the reason why they run in their loincloths and why people throw water at them but it was interesting to watch XD. Each Float is to represent 1 community of the area. Before all of this running there is also a gathering of lots of old people, who I believe would be the leader of each community and some ceremony is held, all the leaders also give out some speech to provide all the runners with morale support I suppose. Then each community marches off their float to some area. Then once they are ready, there is a count down and people push the float as fast as they can down a set path. During the push the people are rotated kind of like a relay race, It is just hard to see cause its just a bunch of men and butt cheeks moving around, but yeah there would be lots of practise and training involved too.