Friday, 13 April 2012

Day Before Yesterday we went to get go Internet and a Phone so we would atleast have a form of Contact. So we got this portable Wifi which is pretty cool but at home its a bit dodgy because it requires placing the wifi next to the window.

The day After(Yesterday) We went Hanami (Flower Viewing), Although the weather was perfect it was a bit late cause the previous days the weather was a lil sucky so there wasnt a lot of Flowers left to see.

 Just some Trees at the Area we went for Hanami


 Hanami seemed like a simple picnic at first, but it is actually fairly Ceremonial. We all kinda sat around in a circle like in this picture and like many things started off with Introductions. I got slightly yelled at when i tried to drink from my cup first because we haven:t officially begun yet, so yeah it was quite the formal gathering.

 Here is one of the Bento things we brought to Hanami.

Thanks Duy for this trick, people were pretty amazed when I pulled it out XD.